Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The hangar level

Here are some pictures of the work in progress of the hangar level, here the player is teleported after a successful or failed mission, depending of the results of the previous mission you may get extra ammo and a new weapon.

The first picture it's basically a menu where the player chooses the amount of ammo, fuel and new weapons to install.

And this one shows some info about the mission, so the player has some clues about best kind of ammo and weapons for the next mission.

In previous versions the game had a currency system in the form of scrap where you basically had to pay for reparations, ammo, weapons and upgrades for your aircraft, every roguelite has this, but in this case it was like make the crew of the ship pay for the resources the need to perform their job, and it was just more work for me so I happily cut the currency system.

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